We have a track record in helping businesses succeed

Technology meets Business

We designed an end-to-end direct-to-consumer system using smart packaging for a global FMCG company:

  • Review of technology landscape (printed electronics, digital print, scanning)

  • Design of system architecture and sub-system

  • Development of prototype system, integrated into moulded FMCG primary packages

  • Development of a business model

  • Carried out consumer research programme

  • Worked with leading-edge printed electronics suppliers for bespoke syste,

Product development

We developed key elements of an Industrial IoT product for a field trial

  • Design of processing and radio platform

  • Implementation of a LoRa radio alongside BLE and Wi-Fi

  • Selection of electronic manufacturer, suited for prototypes up to very-high-volume and through-life management

  • Support with NPI and testing

  • Creation of mechanical concepts, rapid 3D prototyping with refinement towards final design

  • Detailed design of casework and then hard-tooling for trial units

  • Design to ATEX/ IECEx and low-power for explosive environment: intrinsic design to ensure compliance, with clause-by-clause review and supporting calculations for test house

  • Selection of certification test houses for EMC and ATEX

  • Set-up of an ISO9001 quality system

Set-up and audit-support of quality systems and design to standards

Quality system implementation

We have implemented bespoke quality systems for clients and helped them to successfully achieve accreditation.

We have also designed to these standards and supported clients with certification at selected test-houses

  • ISO9001:2015 system customised from our library of procedures and quality documents with an ATEX adaptation defined for an SME requiring rapid deployment of an ATEX product

  • Test-house selection for ATEX/ IECEx certification

  • UKCA/ CE/ Anatel including test-house selection and testing support

  • Clause-by-clause evaluation of standards for explosive and medical compliance prior to sending to certification partner

CIQ adds value by integrating technology with business with people

For a long-term start-up-cum-SME client we have worked on the leading edges of material science and novel manufacturing processes to commercialise IP into renewable energy materials and environmental sensors - a true example of technology, business and people coming together. Within the project we have:

  • carried out a market review for one aspect of their technology

  • built business and cost models to simulate the results of technology steps

  • road-mapped the product development

  • worked with the leadership team to create an organisation to deliver

  • positioned the company optimally into their value chain

  • devised multiple new applications for the core IP, some of which we are trying to exploit

  • devised HR processes for staff development, retention and recruitment

  • facilitated creation of their values and rolled them out

  • developed test equipment and optimised performance of their material

  • identified partners for technical and commercial collaboration

Optimum place in value chain
Renewable energy business model
Ideation for sensing applications

Executive coaching and mentoring

We have Level-7 qualified coaches and mentors who deliver executive and leadership guidance to help individuals and teams to succeed with their businesses.

Steve Watts was a business mentor on the Government’s Help-to-Grow Management programme with Nottingham University Business School. He took 23 leaders and their businesses through the programme and saw significant advances in market strategy, product focus, digitalisation, organisation structure and financing at the end of each 12 week block.

At CambridgeIQ we coach and mentor ‘with empathy’. As well as a traditional psychology approach, we can also use our business and technology expertise to really understand (empathise) with an individual’s day-to-day challenges - we have been there!

We can switch between guiding with coaching, advising with mentoring and implementing a solution, whichever is most comfortable for you.


Please contact us about your product development, business or people needs - we can do all three!